reference# is some numbers-% not clean int,
validation 100% but import 0% and no message at all what's wrong.
Use product reference as key->No
Force all ID numbers->No

[2019-11-09 18:41:13] php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'"). {"exception":"[object] (Twig_Error_Runtime(code: 0): An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (\"Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'\"). at /data01/xx/domeenid/, SmartyException(code: 0): Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl' at /data01/xx/domeenid/"} [] [2019-11-09 18:41:13] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'")." at /data01/xx/domeenid/ line 34 {"exception":"[object] (Twig_Error_Runtime(code: 0): An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (\"Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'\"). at /data01/xx/domeenid/, SmartyException(code: 0): Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl' at /data01/xx/domeenid/"} []